Personalized dashboard | API key | Real-time analysis | Q & A | PBI templates | Anonymous data structure
Social research
Market research
Online research
CATI + Online
Telephone Ad Hoc research
Telephone Tracker research
CATI Omnibus research
Exit Poll + Online
In Hall + Online
Classical methods of research
Quantitative face-to-face (F2F)
Qualitative – Focus Groups
Qualitative – In-depth Interview
Mystery research
Advanced Analysis
Factor analysis
Cluster analysis
Correspondence analysis
Correlation analysis
Discriminant analysis
Regression analysis
Conjoint analysis
We conduct telephone research with the online support in ad hoc, tracker and omnibus option.
It is suitable for the study of current market and social constellation, so it is useful for the detection of phenomena which do not change rapidly over time.
It is suitable for continuous monitoring of the dynamics of market or social changes. A good example of Tracker research of market dynamics represents our research offer - Brand Barometer.
The results presented on the level of total investigated population and by demographic subsamples (gender, age, education, region, type of settlement, income) is included in the offer while there is an extra fee for media set of questions (rating of TV, radio ratings, reading of daily news, Internet monitoring) and an extended set of demographics about the number of children in the household with information about ages groups of children.
In addition to the general advantages of our online research, the following special advantages refer to our Tracker research (as well as Brand Barometer offer):
We implement Telephone Omnibus research every 7 days, on a representative sample of 1000 respondents which allows the client to obtain relevant information about the social and market phenomena and trends and also to share the costs of collecting data with other clients with their questions present in the survey too.
All questions included in Omnibus based on the request of each client are subject to a special contract, and the collected data and the results based on those data are the exclusively property of specific client.
In addition to the general advantages of our online research, the following special benefits refer to our Omnibus research:
Social research | Market research
Online research | Classical methods of research | Mystery research
Advanced Analysis
Modeling | Factor analysis | Cluster analysis | Correspondence analysis | Correlation analysis | Discriminant analysis | Regression analysis | Conjoint
On-line panel
Earning system | Terms and conditions | Personal data protection | Sign in for survey
PBI Analytics
Personalized dashboard | API key | Real-time analysis | Q & A | PBI templates | Anonymous data structure
Business on-line
On-line data base | On-line communicator between centrals and subsidiaries | On-line survey orders
On-line Testing
Human Resource examination | The testing of course participants | The preparation of the entry exams
Professional standards | People | Consulting board | Friends of Pro Positive